Blog Small Business & Startups Big Tips for Small Businesses – The Benefits of Renting Meeting Rooms

Big Tips for Small Businesses – The Benefits of Renting Meeting Rooms

Big Tips for Small Businesses – The Benefits of Renting Meeting Rooms


There are several reasons why renting meeting rooms, boardrooms or conference rooms would make sense for your business. Perhaps certain events call for additional space that your current location lacks; maybe the nature of your job requires constant traveling and, as a result, meetings from a remote location; or, perhaps you're looking for a professional business center as a venue to meet with important clients, potential investors, or to celebrate company wins.


Additional Space and Equipment

If your company is in the early stages of development your headquarters may be tight on space. It's not uncommon for start-ups to work out of a small office, home or even garage. This can pose a problem if the number of employees or stakeholders exceeds the amount of space that can accommodate everyone comfortably in one room.

Renting a meeting room also means renting resources you may not have or can afford to own, including an executive table, chairs and, perhaps most importantly, IT equipment. Having the right resources is critical if you're remotely meeting with business associates or clients and are in need of adequate teleconferencing and video conferencing equipment.

The Traveling Business Person

Your position may require constant traveling, making it necessary for you to sync up with business associates – either in person or remotely. In which case, it's important to find a meeting room that has the right amount of space, prestige and equipment to ensure one-off, on the go meetings are both efficient and professional.

The Right Venue for the Right Occasion

If you're meeting with top brass, important clients or prospective partners, you want to make sure you have a venue that reflects the importance of the meeting. Choosing a well-maintained meeting room that is ideally located and furnished with the latest communications technology will speak volumes to the attendees and can also provide the perfect backdrop for celebrating company wins.

Cutting Costs

Whether you're in the beginning stages of your venture or an on the go executive, you're probably looking to cut costs wherever possible. Renting a meeting room on an as-needed basis is an excellent alternative to entering into an office space lease, especially if you're financially unprepared to take that leap. Not only will you save costs on office space, but by renting a fully equipped meeting room you can also save on communication technology equipment.

The Servcorp Difference

Servcorp specializes in meeting rooms that are cost-effective, IT-equipped and located in world-renowned buildings that reside in some of the most economically important cities. Take advantage of the Servcorp Meetings APP to easily reserve a meeting room, boardroom or private office from over 140 prestigious locations.

Contact Us

If you’ve got any questions call us +1 212 739 0400 or fill in your information below and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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